Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
The TMJ is a small, though functionally complex joint that allows our mandible (lower jaw) to open and close and to move forward.
Disorders of the TMJ can involve the soft tissue and / or hard tissue component of the joint. The soft tissue components include: the masticatory (chewing muscles), various ligaments, the disc – made of cartilage - that sits between the opposing bones of the joint: the glenoid fossa above and the mandibular condyle below.
The majority of disorders of the TMJ are inflammatory in nature, however, occasional pathology such as tumour formation is seen.
Sophisticated imagery is required to help in diagnosing disorders of the TMJ. Once the diagnosis has been established, Dr. Oliver will outline a plan of treatment to help resolve the problem. Such solutions may be non-surgical in nature or require surgery – which may be minimally invasive (closed surgery) or invasive (open surgery). Commonly used surgical approaches include: arthrocentesis of the superior joint space and arthroscopy.