
We appreciate that we all have differing work schedules and time commitments during the week. To cater for this we have structured our practice to provide a broad range of options for consultation on at least 3 days of each week.
The consultation time will vary according to the
complexity of the issue to be addressed.
These will be designated as either: normal or extended
Both consultation types receive the benefit of a Medicare Rebate, meaning your out of pocket expense will be substantially reduced. Access to the Medicare Schedule is only possible when being treated by an AHPRA Registered Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon.

During the initial consultation you will have ample time allocated to discuss the nature of your problem and the treatment options available to help you. Dr. Oliver will give his view on how best to approach your problem after carefully reviewing your clinical history and diagnostic records. He is a very open and transparent surgeon and is always happy for patients to seek a second opinion should they so wish.
We pride ourselves on being thorough in our discussions and will not end the consultation until all of your questions and concerns have been satisfactorily dealt with.